Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Psalm 23 (Surely Goodness Surely Mercy) By Shane & Shane Chords and Lyrics @ Worship Christian Songs

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 Psalm 23 (Surely Goodness Surely Mercy) 

By Shane & Shane

[Verse 1]
     C             D                 G
The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want
C                 D                 G
In green pastures He makes me lie down
      C         D        G   G/F#  Em        Am
He restores my soul and leads me on for His Name
For His great Name

          C    D         G
Surely goodness surely mercy
         C      D        G
Right beside me all my days
             C     D              Em
And I will dwell in Your house forever
     Am         D     C G C G
And bless Your Holy Name

[Verse 2]
   C            D            G
You prepare a table right before me
C               D        G
In the presence of my enemies
             C      D            G   G/F#  Em            Am
Though the arrow flies and the terror of night is at my door
I'll trust you Lord

[Repeat Chorus]

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
I will fear no evil
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
You are on my side   (2X)

[Repeat Chorus]
          C    D         G
Surely goodness surely mercy
         C      D        G
Right beside me all my days
             C     D              Em
And I will dwell in Your house forever
     Am         D     C G C G
And bless Your Holy Name

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