Sunday, February 5, 2017

Glory to GOD in the Highest Lyrics with Chords

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[Gloria] Dan Schutte Intro: D A/C# Bm F#m/A G Em7 Asus4 A Refrain D A/C# Bm F#m/A Glo_ry to God, Glo... thumbnail 1 summary

Glory to GOD in the Highest

Intro: D A/C# Bm  F#m/A G Em7 Asus4 A

    D         A/C#       Bm       F#m/A
    Glo_ry  to God,   Glo_ry to God,
    G       D/F#          Em          A
    Glo_ry to God  in the high___est  
      D         A/C#       Bm       F#m/A
    And on earth,      peace on earth
          G        D/F#      Asus4 A   Dsus
    Peace to people of good    will

(Repeat twice)

 Em          A        D     D/F#
We praise You,   we bless You
 Em/G     A       D         D/F#
We a-dore You,   we glo-ri-fy You
 G               A
We give You thanks
 A/G         D/F#   Bm7
For Your great glo - ry   
Em       F#    Bm    Bm/A
Lord God heavenly King, 
G            Em      Asus   A
O God Almighty Father
(Repeat Refrain once)

 Em          A         D   D/F#  Em/G  Asus4 A  D
Lord       Je - sus Christ,     on - ly Be-got-ten Son 
 Em    Asus4 A  D/F#      Bm   G   D/F#        A
Lord   God,        Lamb of God, Son of the Father
          G   Asus4  A          D/F#         Bm
You take   away        the sins of the world
         Em         D/F#  Em/G
Have mer – cy  on     us
   G     Asus4 A      D/F#          Bm
You take a - way the sins of the world
         Em    D/F#       Asus4  A
Re - ceive   our___ prayer_
    G         A        D/F#        Bm
You are seat - ed at the right hand
        Em            F#      Bm  Bm/A
The right hand  of the Fa -  ther
     G     Em     Asus4     A
Have mer - cy     on us....
(Repeat Refrain once)

 Em    A               D      D/F#
For You al- one are the Holy One
 Em/G   A              D
You alone are the Lord.
D/F#       G    A      D/F#    Bm7 
You al - one are the most__  High    
Em  D/F#   Em/G     A
Je-  sus     Christ.
D              F#7    Bm Bm/A        G    
With the  Ho- ly Spi- rit,    in the glory 
 D/F#    Em     A 
Of God  the Father

     D         A/C#       Bm       F#m/A
    Glory  to God,   Glory to God,
     G        D/F#          Em          A
    Glory to God  in the    high - est  
      D         A/C#       Bm       F#m/A
    And on earth,    peace on   earth
      G        D/F#      Asus4  A  Dsus  Dsus4
    Peace to people of   good    will
    Em  D/F# Em  Asus4 A Dsus4   D
    A  -        men,    A   -   men


We give thanks to you O GOD, We worship you with all our heart, we are very much thankful
and happy to have you in our lives, for giving us guidance and take away the SIN.

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